Winter 2024 session: 2 September - 15 December 2024
Spring 2025 session: 6 January - 16 March 2025
Rehearsals take place on Mondays, 7pm - 9pm, at Margaret Harris Hall, High School of Dundee, Euclid Crescent, Dundee.
Like to join the choir? Visit our Join Us page for more information.
Attendance is required in order to sing in the concert. If you miss four or more rehearsals then you will not be able to sing in the concert. Please speak to the committee if you have any questions about this.
Please be punctual and sign in with the Steward of the Chorus before each rehearsal. If you are late and the door is locked, please call one of the committee members who will let you in. Please LISTEN! Avoid chatting while the Musical Director rehearses sections other than yours. Bring a pencil and eraser to mark your score with any directions. Rehearsals are on Mondays (as above). Additional rehearsals may be arranged at the discretion of the Musical Director and Committee.
All choir members singing in the concert must attend the 2pm rehearsal in the Caird Hall on the afternoon of the concert. Be ready to be seated on instructions from the Steward of the Chorus. In the evening, please gather in the Marryat Hall or Ashton Hall as per concert instructions (both are part of the Caird Hall) no later than 7pm. Be ready for line up in the Marryat or Ashton Hall at least 15 minutes before the concert starts.
Concert dress is all black. Long sleeved shirts or blouses, trousers or long skirts. No tie.
Music is provided at the beginning of each session. This cost is in addition to your choir subscription. It is essential that any music hired for the Choral be returned to the box in the Marryat or Ashton Hall immediately after the concert. PLEASE RETURN YOUR CONCERT FOLDER IF YOU ARE NOT RETURNING TO THE CHOIR. These are now impossible to replace (and in any case extremely costly).
These are fixed at the AGM and are to be paid to the Treasurer no later than 30th September.
2024/25: confirmed at AGM in September: £105 + cost of music. (If you are a taxpayer and wish to gift aid part of your subscription, the treasurer will give you the appropriate form.)
Students, school pupils and unemployed: FREE + any cost of music
New members joining in January will be charged a half rate for that year (which runs September-March).
Current members who miss a session will still be charged the full rate.
Leave of absence: active members may apply to the Committee for one year's leave of absence through the Secretary. This will be granted on payment of the current subscription. No re-audition will be required.
The AGM is held at the beginning of the first rehearsal of the session. Paying members are eligible to vote at the AGM.
Patron: Patricia MacMahon, FRSAMD, ARCM, LRAM
President: Pamela Nesbitt
Vice President: George Cowieson
Honorary Vice Presidents: Ken Murray, Lilian Stewart, Landy Watson
Musical Director: Derek J Clark
Accompanist: Val Maynes
Concert Secretary (and Librarian): Allan MacLeod
General Secretary: Elaine Garman
Hon. Treasurer: Rachel Shearer
Steward of the Chorus: Chantelle Attrill
Publicity Convenor: Jingjing Ma
Sponsorship Convenor: Stuart Pearce
Committee Member (and Friends of the Choral Secretary): Liddy Laird
Committee Member: Susan Duff
Committee Member: Val Maynes
Committee Member: David Foley
Committee Member: Derek J Clark
All paying members are eligible to join the committee.
Aberdeen Choral Society
Angus Choral Society
Edinburgh Royal Choral Union
St Andrews Chorus
Cupar Choral Society
Perth Choral Society
Making Music
Dundee Choral Union Constitution, Updated October 2021
Dundee Choral Union Accounts ratified at the September 2024 AGM (pdf document)
Letters from Arthur Sullivan to Henry Nagel, the first conductor of Dundee Amateur Choral Union, dated 1875 & 1876. The silver-mounted conductor's baton was presented to Henry Nagel by Choir members, dated 1860.